Umbrella IT Group - Managed Services Provider in Jacksonville Florida

Support Requests and Tickets

Support Requests and Tickets

Where to get support

Our primary support mailbox where we receive and triage requests is [email protected]

You may also call us directly and submit a ticket over the phone at (904) 930-4261

Lastly, you can submit a ticket from the IT Client Portal

What to include in a support ticket

  • Detailed description of what exactly is not working
  • Who / how many are affected by the issue?
  • What the ideal resolution should be (if it’s not implied)
  • When was the last time it worked as expected?
  • Has anything changed in the environment since it last worked?
  • A screenshot or picture of the error message or warning
  • Best contact information, where, when and how you can be reached.
  • If this request requires getting on your computer, please propose some times where you are available for 30 minutes to an hour

A lot of times, we get tickets with too little information and have to spend valuable timing just trying to figure out what the intention was. Please submit tickets with a clearly stated objective and document the issue with as much detail as possible.

Priority & Importance Levels

We have four primary ticket priority categories, which can be summed up like this:

Emergency – All hell has broken loose and many staff are affected. All hands on deck.

High – Something catastrophic happened to one user, or a serious inconvenience for many users. We put a guy on it right away.

Normal – One user is seriously inconvenienced but is able to continue working. Will be addressed as resources are available.

Request – Create a new user, “how do I?”, “can I have access to…” These are requests and will be triaged on the following business day.

Our team works hard to ensure that our system is efficient and accurate, but occasionally we may perceive a priority incorrectly. To ensure we understand how important your request or the issue you’re facing is, please call us! You can also log on to the Client IT Portal to set your own priority.

Response & Expectations

During business hours, you can expect to receive a reply to your ticket within 1 hour of submitting it. After-hours, the response time may vary a bit based on the ticket’s priority.

You can read more about what your expectations should be in the FAQ of our SLA description page.

Follow-Up Expectations

Sometimes tickets require some back and forth. Once a ticket is triaged and assigned to a technician, they will reach out via Email or provided contact information. Please keep an eye on your email in case one of our technicians has a question.

Please feel free to call us at any time or send a reply on the last email thread with the ticket asking for an updated status.

When replying to a ticket, please ensure the Ticket Number is clearly seen in the Email subject, otherwise your reply may create a brand new ticket.

Resolution & Closure

Typically, ticket resolution is confirmed by the technician who was working on the ticket. In the case that you cannot be reached or a ticket had a very quick resolution where we never had to speak, you will be sent a Resolution Confirmation Requested email. This email will contain a set of smiley faces to click on, which will indicate to us if we resolved your ticket correctly. If they ticket is not resolved, you can reply directly to the email and we’ll take a closer look.

If we request information, sent a reply regarding your ticket, or are waiting to confirm resolution from you and receive no response, the ticket will auto-close in 3 business days’ time. If we need to revisit the ticket again at any point in the future, please feel free to re-open the ticket simply by replying in-line or giving us a ring!

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