Umbrella IT Group - Managed Services Provider in Jacksonville Florida

KnowBe4 Security & Training

KnowBe4 Security & Training

About KnowBe4

KnowBe4 is the world’s leading Security Awareness Training organization. Their platform includes security awareness training and simulated phishing attacks that will help us create a “human firewall” by training our employees and team members on how to recognize and report malicious emails.

We can implement all the security tools in the world but at the end of the day, if users are careless with their email, it opens a door for compromise that security tools may have a hard time catching.

The simulated phishing emails and training are not meant to be a trick, a punishment or distract you from your daily work. These training courses will help improve the overall security of the company by making everyone more security conscious as they conduct their everyday duties.

Let’s educate and prevent threats on a human level, together.

Reporting Threats with the Phish Alert Button

You should now have a new button within your Outlook email platform to notify Umbrella of suspected malicious, phishing, or scam emails. This button has only one function: To Alert Us (Umbrella) and provide every necessary detail of the email so we can investigate and respond.

Do not forward us any emails! When the Phish Alert Button is pressed, the referenced email gets removed from your mailbox. It then gets packaged up with the original email headers, attachments, and anything else related to the email, and forwarded over to our security team to investigate. Just click the button and forget about it, as we will investigate and take care of threats as needed.

Forwarding a scam or phishing email is considered a failure and will be used as a training opportunity. Please use the Phish Alert Button when you receive anything that looks deceptive, scammy, or gives your Spidey Sense the tingles.

More about the Phish Alert Button

Security Training

We will begin periodically sending out simulated phishing emails to determine how likely employees are to fall for phishing attacks and provide training material to those who click and interact with the simulated phishing emails.

The simulated phishing emails and training are not meant to be a trick, a punishment or distract you from your daily work. These training courses will help improve the overall security of the company by making everyone more security conscious as they conduct their everyday duties.

You may receive training even if you did not click on a simulated phishing email. Everyone in the company is required to take the basic level of training, at least once a year to satisfy HIPAA requirements, and comply with other regulatory standards.

Your training may contain things such as:

  • 15-minute informational videos
  • Educational mini-games to play and learn with
  • Quizes to verify you understand the material
  • Updates on the latest scam tactics

Getting Started

For more information on KnowBe4 and training, you can watch this short video and expore the KnowBe4 knowledgebase. This will help you set up your account for the first time, and asnwer any additional questions you may have.

Getting Started with KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training – KB4 Knowledge Base

Please feel free to reach out to Umbrella IT for help, as we are your champions in security training!

Manager’s Perspective

If you are a company manager and are responsible for the training of various employees, please refer to the following sections to get started and be successfully on your way to a safer environment!

Logging into the Manager View

This process should be the same as the account setup process mentioned in the Getting Started section.

Team Dashboard Overview

Once you’re logged in, you should see two pages: My Dashboard, and Team Dashboard.

For more information on the options, UI elements and more, please refer to the KB4 knowledgebase:

Team Dashboard Overview for Managers – KB4 Knowledge Base

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